
测定植物抗寒性的电阻抗图谱法 被引量:65

Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Method for Measuring Cold Hardiness of Plants
摘要 电阻抗图谱(electrical impedance spectroscopy, EIS)分析作为测定植物抗寒性的一种方法,在农业、 林业和园艺领域的应用正在不断扩大。该文从EIS的 原理入手,讨论了影响电阻抗特性的生理和物理因 子;介绍了测定EIS适用的模型;阐述了用EIS测定抗 寒性的方法。在EIS分析中,胞外电阻率(re)是确定 抗寒性最适用的一个参数,弛豫时间(τ1)是精确度最 高的参数。 Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a method for measuring cold hardiness of plants. It has been widely used in the fields of agriculture, forestry and horticulture. In this paper the following aspects were introduced and discussed: (1) physical and physiological factors of impedance measurements in plants, (2) suitable models for measuring EIS, and (3) method for assessing cold hardiness by means of EIS. In traditional EIS analysis, after completion of the artificially controlled freezing tests, the extracellular resistance (re) is the best parameter for determining cold hardiness of plants. It has been reported recently that cold hardiness might be determined just after sampling using EIS analy- sis without a controlled freezing test. The relaxation time (τ1) is the most suitable parameter: in the rapid hardening phase, differences in the hardening patterns of various provenances of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) could be distinguished by the relaxation time with an accuracy of ±2℃ without a controlled freezing test.
出处 《植物生理与分子生物学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期19-26,共8页 Journal Of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
基金 河北农业大学留学回国人员科研启动基金资助。~~
关键词 电阻抗图谱 抗寒性 模型 胞外电阻 弛豫时间 electrical impedance spectroscopy, cold hardiness, model, extracellular resistance, relaxation time
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