
兔跟腱基质中胶原纤维和蛋白多糖结构的原子力显微镜观察 被引量:3

Structure of collagen and proteoglycan in the extracellular matrix of rabbit tendons under atomic force microscopy
摘要 目的:探讨肌腱基质中的胶原纤维和蛋白多糖之间的结构关系,明确肌腱的功能、结构基础。方法:实验于2004-03/05在解放军第一五○医院全军军事训练医学研究所完成。6只5月龄的雄性新西兰大白兔,跑台慢速跑步训练8周后,完整切取的双侧跟腱,立即冷冻切片、乙醇梯度脱水,风干后用原子力显微镜观察。结果:在原子力显微镜下,可以清晰看到平行排列的胶原纤维和D带结构;当扫描范围是500nm×500nm时,在相位像上可广泛见到带状物质在胶原纤维内、间编织排列,与胶原纤维形成多维网状结构;这种物质可能是蛋白多糖的侧链。结论:胶原纤维和蛋白多糖之间存在复杂的编织排列,这可能是肌腱的功能、结构基础;而原子力显微镜是观察这种结构的良好方法。 AIM:To investigate the collagen proteoglycan interaction in the extracellular matrix of tendons,and elucidate the functional and structural base of tendons.METHODS:The study was conducted in Institute of Military Training Related Medical Sciences,the 150 Hospital of Chinese PLA from March to May 2004.Six 5 month old male New Zealand White rabbits suffered eight week low speed running exercise on running machine.The bilateral Achilles' tendons were resected completely,the slice frozen and dehydrated in gradient ethanol immediately,and then observed under atomic force microscopy(AFM) after air dried.RESULTS:Under AFM,the parallel aligned collagen fibrils and D periods could be seen clearly.When the scan size was 500 nm× 500 nm in phase graph,some chains could be seen in and between fibrils,multi weaving with fibrils.The chains might be side chains of proteoglycan.CONCLUSION:Intricate interweaving exists between collagen fibrils and proteoglycans,which may be the functional and structural bases of tendons,and AFM is good for the observation of such structure.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期52-53,i002,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 军队"十五"指令性课题基金资助(01L005)~~
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