NVOD是有线数字电视增值业务的一个重要组成部分 ,它主要由视频服务器和DVB(DigtalVideoBroadcasting)前端的其他设备如复用传输系统、条件接收系统、节目制作系统等构成。以某市有线数字电视NVOD系统为背景 ,介绍NVOD的原理和播出方式 ,并且分析了NVOD系统核心设备———视频服务器的结构和原理。
NVOD is an important part of DVB-C value-added services, which is constitutive of video server and other front equipments of the DVB such as Multiplexing transmission system, CA system and program-making system. In this paper, we take the design of DVB-C NVOD system as backgournd to explain the theory and the broadcasting way of NOVD, and analyze the structure of the VS-the core of the NVOD system, and it's pricinple as well.
China Digital Cable TV