目的探讨性别年龄对汉族人颌面部肤色的影响.方法随机采集1 462名18~85岁的汉族人颌面部肤色,其中男性682名,女性780名.采用美能达CR-100色度计,分别测试每名受试者右侧颌面部的颞部、颧部和颊部3个部位的肤色值,并计算其L*、a*、b*均值,统计分析不同性别年龄间的肤色差异.结果男性颌面部肤色参数L*值和b*值均低于女性,而a*值高于女性;颌面部肤色参数L*值和a*值与年龄呈负相关,即随着年龄的增加,皮肤的L*值、a*值逐渐降低;而b*值与年龄呈正相关,即随着年龄的增加,b*值逐渐增大.结论颌面部缺损赝复体修复比色配色时,应注意考虑性别和年龄对肤色的影响.
Objective To explore the relationship between the maxi ll ofacial complexion and age-sex in Han nationality. Methods The maxillofacial skin chroma L*, a* and b* were measured a nd compared in 1462 people aged from 18 to 85 years old in Han nationality, incl uding 682 men and 780 women, by means of Minolta Chroma Meter CR-100. Results Male had the lower L* and b* value and the hig her a* value than those in female. The maxillofacial chroma L* and a* were related to age negatively, and b* was related to age positiv ely. Conclusion The effect of sex and age on color of the maxillofacial skin should be considered while matching colors in construction o f maxillofacial defect.
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology