
蓝光滤过型人工晶状体AcrySof Nature的初步临床研究 被引量:6

preliminary clinical study of blue-light filtering intraocular lens acrysof nature
摘要 目的 :评估蓝光滤过型人工晶状体AcrySofNature的安全性、有效性。方法 :35例 5 1只眼诊断为老年性白内障的患者随机分为两组 ,行超声乳化白内障吸除术。其中 2 0例 2 4只眼植入AcrySofNature人工晶状体 ,15例 2 7只眼植入AR4 0e人工晶状体。观察患者术后的远近视力、前房蛋白浓度、对比敏感度及并发症。用调查量表评价患者的蓝视、畏光和眩光等视觉症状。结果 :随访 3个月 ,AcrySofNature组最佳矫正远视力≥ 0 5者为 2 4只眼 (10 0 % ) ,AR4 0e组为 2 5只眼(96 3% ) ,两组的视力、前房蛋白浓度、对比敏感度无显著差异。调查量表显示AcrySofNature组的蓝视及眩光现象较少。结论 :蓝光滤过型人工晶状体AcrySofNature有良好的生物相容性 ,术后视力提高满意 ,且不影响患者的对比敏感度和对颜色的感知 ,但其对视网膜的保护作用还需进行更长时间及更多样本量的研究。 objective:to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of blue-light filtering intraocular lens acrysof nature.methods:35 patients (61 eyes) with age-related cataract were divided into two groups in random,and treated with standard phacoemulsification.20 patients (24 eyes) were implanted with acrysof nature iol while other 15 patients(27 eyes) with ar40e.the distant and near visual acuity,anterior chamber aqueous protein concentration,contrast sensitivity and complications were observed.visual symptoms were evaluated with questionnaire.results:after follow-up period of 3 months,the best corrected distant visual acuities were equal to or better than 0.5 in 24 eyes (100%) in acrysof nature group and 25 eyes (96.3%) in ar40e group.there were no significant differences in visual acuity,anterior chamber aqueous protein concentration and contrast sensitivity between two groups.fewer people complained about glare and blueopsia in acrysof nature group than in ar40e group.conclusions:the blue-light filtering iol acrysof nature has good biocompatibility.it can provide good visual acuity and not affect the contrast sensitivity and colour perception,but its retinal protective effects is needed for further study.
出处 《眼科》 CAS 2005年第1期27-30,共4页 Ophthalmology in China
关键词 白内障超声乳化术 晶状体 人工 蓝光滤过型 phacoemulsification intraocular lens,blue-light filtering
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