根据非稳定流的一维流动理论 ,对圆锥形管道中的瞬变流动进行了分析 ,推导出了适用于圆锥形管道的连续性微分方程和运动微分方程 ,给出了这两个方程的有限差分解法 ,同时对计算结果进行了相对误差的对比分析。分析结果说明 ,采用该方法来进行分析计算可以有效地减小误差。
According to the one-di mensiona l theory of the unsteady flow,the transi ent flow in cone-shaped pipes was analyz e d.Continuity equation and motion equatio n which can be applied to cone-shaped pi pes were obtained and finite difference m ethod for them was brought forward.At th e same time,contrast and analysis of rela tive error were made for numerical resul t s.The result indicates that t he error can be effectively decreased for applyin g the computation method.
Pipeline Technique and Equipment