
WHOQOL-BREF在广泛性焦虑症患者中应用的信度及效度研究 被引量:39

Reliability and Validity of the WHOQOL-BREF in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
摘要 目的:评估世界卫生组织生命质量测定量表简表在广泛性焦虑症病人中的信度和效度。方法:由专业医生对42例符合CCMD-3广泛性焦虑症诊断标准的门诊初诊患者评定世界卫生组织生命质量测定量表简表、健康状况调查问卷、汉密顿焦虑量表和大体评定量表,在治疗第四周予以重测。对量表的内部一致性信度、重测信度、平行效度及经验效度等指标进行分析。结果:WHOQOL-BREF的Guttman分半信度为0.767,Cronbach'sα系数为0.827,各维度的Cronbach'sα系数较好,重测后各项目的相关系数均在0.348~0.646之间;WHOQOL-BREF的生理、心理、社会关系和环境分量表与SF-36多数分量表呈显著相关,WHOQOL-BREF的生理、心理、社会关系和环境分量表与GAS评分呈显著正相关;广泛性焦虑症患者的焦虑症状评分与WHOQOL-BREF的多个分量表分呈显著性负相关,经治后广泛性焦虑症患者生命质量及焦虑症状均有显著性的改善,具有统计学意义。结论:WHOQOL-BREF具有较好的信度和效度,能较全面地评价广泛性焦虑症患者生命质量。 Objective: To assess the reliability and validity of the World Health Organization Quality Of Life Questionnaire abbreviated version(WHOQOL-BREF) in patients with generalized anxiety disorder(GAD). Methods: 42 outpatients meeting the GAD criteria of CCMD-III were rated with WHOQOL-BREF,the Short-Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36), Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAMA) and Global Assessment Scale(GAS) by professionals. At the fourth week after treatment, these patients were assessed again. Results: The Guttman split-half coefficient was 0.767, and the Cronbach α coefficient was 0.827. It covered a good coefficient of inter-item consistency (Cronbach's α coefficient).The coefficients of test-retest for all subscales of WHOQOL-BREF were ranged from 0.348 to 0.646. The subscales of WHOQOL-BREF were significantly related with the major subscales of SF-36. The four subscales of WHOQOL-BREF were significantly relative with GAS. Most subscales of WHOQOL-BREF were significantly and negatively correlated with the mood statuses of these patients. After treatment, the quality of life in patients with GAD had a significant improvement. Their improvement degrees were significantly and positively correlated with the reduced scores of HAMA and many of its factors. Conclusion: The results indicated that the Chinese version of WHOQOL-BREF has relatively good reliability and validity, and is one of the standard tools for comprehensive assessment of the quality of life of patients with GAD.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 2005年第1期37-39,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 上海高校优秀青年教师后备人选科研项目(项目号:03YQHB048)
关键词 广泛性焦虑症 患者 生命质量 测定量表 信度 焦虑症状 效度 系数 专业 结论 Generalized anxiety disorder WHOQOL-BREF SF-36 Reliability Validity
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