大众媒介的世俗化是在整个社会文化的世俗化过程中开始的 ,二者体现出相互交融的关系。因此 ,媒介与社会文化之间具有内在的同一性。这种同一致性有两个方面的内涵 :一是大众媒介与社会文化的世俗化发展趋势具有一致性 ,都由政治中心主义转向人文中心主义 ;二是大众媒介与社会文化在转型过程中不是平行发展的关系 ,而是融合互渗。
This paper discusses the internal consistency between the Chinese contemporary mass media and social culture from two perspectives: the mass media complies with the popular orientation of social culture and both these two turn from politics orientation to humanism orientation; in the transforming stage, the mass media and social culture do not develop separately, but interact and complement with each other.
Journal of Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College