相位设计是信号设计的首要步骤 ,信号相位直接影响交通流运行的安全性和交叉口可提供的通行能力 .本文系统论述了相位相序设计的新理念 ,提供多相位相序设计的原则和方法 .针对交叉口交通流的随机性和不确定性的特点 ,利用模糊数学理论 ,构造了多相位信号模糊专家系统的理论框架 ,设计了详实的模糊规则库 ,使更为灵活的多相位设计成为可能 ,为交叉口多相位设计提供了思路 .
The new philosophy for the implementation of multi-phase arrangements, and methods of phasing design are discussed. According to the characteristics like randomness and uncertainty of the traffic flow at intersection, the paper proposes the frame of fuzzy expert system for multi-phase signal is proposed and integrated fuzzy rule base with fuzzy logic theory is developed, which enables signal phase to adopt more flexible design. Paper provides new thoughtfulness for multi-phase design.
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)