构建一套计算机程序化的管理模式 ,对高校体育教学、学生体育课成绩、健康测试成绩、体锻次数以及教师的授课情况、运动员训练情况进行科学化的管理 ,有利于体育教学管理水平的提高 ,进一步推动体育教学的改革。高校体育综合管理系统应用软件与校园网的有效链接 ,可实现学生网上选课、查成绩等功能 ,真正意义上的实现体育教学管理的程序化、现代化和办公自动化。
Constructing a system of computer programming to administrate college physical education,students scores,tests of health situation,times of exercises,teachers teaching results and training of athletes will do great benefit for the improvement of its administration,and push the reform of physical education forward.When the soft wares of college physical administration are connected to the school webs,those functions such as choosing classes and consulting scores on Internet could be obtained,thus physical teaching administration could in its true meaning achieve the goal of programzation ,modernization and automation.
Hubei Sports Science