利用1982~1999年的海洋观测资料,运用相似理论对东经100~140°,北纬 0~40°海域的蒸发波导出现概率、高度和强度进行了统计分析,并利用1986~1999 年的船舶探空资料,对上述海域及全球海上低空大气波导进行了统计分析,结果表 明,海上蒸发波导出现概率高达85%以上,高度一般在15m左右,而海上低空大气波 导出现概率一般不低于15%,有时可达40%,厚度一般在60~150m。其中,利用船 舶探空资料分析海上低空大气波导在国内还属首次。
The characteristic parameters of marine evaporation duct such as occurrence, duct height and duct strength are described based on the similarity theory of pseudo-refractivity. The statistical results are from the marine observation data in 1982-1999, and the sea area range from the east longitude of 100 degree to 140 degree and the north latitude of 0 degree to 40 degree. The statistical analysis of the marine lower atmospheric duct is from the ship sounding observation data in 1986-1999, over the same sea area as mentioned. The results show that the occurrence is more than 85% and the duct height is approximately 15 meters for evaporation duct. The occurrence of marine lower atmospheric duct is more than 15% in general, sometimes approaches 40%, and its duct thickness is 60-150 m. The statistical results of marine lower atmospheric duct using ship sounding data is presented for the first time in China.
Chinese Journal of Radio Science