陕西关中地区历史悠久 ,文化灿烂 ,无论地望、人文抑或方言 ,在中国文化史上都占有突出地位。关中方言是关中文化的重要组成部分 ,也是传承千百年关中文化的载体 ,从古至今都是学术界关注的焦点。本文拟就关中方言的历史形成与研究现状做以筢梳 ,旨在显示新时期关中方言研究的实绩 ,指出研究中所存在的问题和应该努力的方向 。
The region of Guanzhong located in Shanxi Province,has a long history and a rich cultural heritage.Examined either from the perspective of its geographical location or its culture and civilization or its dialect,the region occupies an outstanding place in the history of the Chinese cuoture.The Guanzhong dialects is an important part of the Guanzhong culture.It has also served as the carrier of the Guanzhong culture for thousands of years.Therefore,the dialects have long been the focus of study for researchers since ancient times.This paper intends to examine the formation of the Guanzhong dialects and the current situation of research on the dialects.The purposes of the examination are to highlight the achievements in the research into the Guanzhong dialects,to point out some problems in the research that has been done and to show the direction for future research.It is hoped that this discussion can help deepen future research into the Guanzhong dialects.
The Guanzhong dialects
new period
present situation of research