元明清白话文献中的“国家祥瑞”一语 ,除了它的字面意思外 ,还有瑞雪的意思。但是它在今天所见的大型辞书《辞源》、《辞海》、《汉语大词典》里都未当作词条收录。事实上 ,当作瑞雪义的时候 ,“国家祥瑞”已经凝固成了一个词。此外 ,“国家祯祥”、“祥瑞”,也都有瑞雪的意思 ,上述辞书对前者未收录为词条 ,后者虽然收录而却未列这一义项。考释“国家祥瑞”可知其还有“瑞雪”
The saying'the state′s Propitians Sign'in the writings in the Vernacular of Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasty conueys the meaning of snowing except for its literal mwanings.But it has not been induded inthe big Chinese dictionaries as an entry.As a matter of fact,the say'the state propitious sign'has come into a fcxed phrase,uhen it conveys the meaning of snowing.Besides,the saying'the state′s good omen'amd'the propitious sign'also has the meaning of snowing.The former has not been included as an entry in the big dictionaries,the latter hsa been included but not been listed as an entry.Through a textual vesearch and explaining,we may find that the state′s propitious sign'conueys the meaning of snowing.
writings in the vernacular
the state′s propitions sign
the state′s good omen
tectual research and explayining