乡土情感与政治理念在《山雨》中形成了一种内在的张力。小说前半部分 ,乡土情感占优势 ,使作者能够充分调动丰富的乡土生活积累 ,作品显得浑厚沉实 ;后半部分 ,政治理念渐渐占了上风 ,作者驾驭起来就显得力不从心 。
Provincialism and political belief creates an intrinsic tension in Shan Yu. In the former part of the novel, provincialism plays a main role; therefore, based on the author's wealthy accumulation of life, the part is made out rich and substantial. However, in the latter part, where political belief gains the upper hand, the author can't deal with the novel with facility, which results in the off-balance between thought and artistry.
Journal of Weifang University