邓小平教育思想是建设有中国特色的社会主义理论的重要组成部分 ,其核心内涵是把教育纳入国民经济的总体发展中去认识 ,具有全局性和战略性的特点 ,强调教育要优先发展 ,指明“三个面向”的办学方向 ,突出改革发展的主线 ,倡导素质教育并提出“四有”
Deng Xiaoping's idea of education is an important component part of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Its kernel connotation is to understand education in line with the overall development of national economy. It has the overall and strategic feature, giving priority to the development of education pointing out the “three serve” orientation of running education, stressing the main line of reform and development, advocating the quality oriented education and putting forward the target of fostering working people with lofty ideals, sound morals, good education and a strong senses of discipline.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)