河汾诸老是金元易代之际生活在黄河与汾水之间的八位诗人。由于所处时代、生活经历的相似, 诸老们不约而同地写作了一些反映时代、社会和国家命运的诗篇。它们之中既有悲恋逝去故国的作品,也有渴 望新朝和平的佳作,共同构成了河汾诸老诗歌中看似矛盾的家国主题。
Hefenzhulao were eight poets who lived between Yellow River and Fen River at the juncture of Jin dynasty and Yuan dynasty. Because they lived in the same period,they wrote some poems about period and coutry. These poems not only included some poems about missing Jin dynasty , but also some poems about peace, All of these poems reflected the country theme.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Architectural Science & Technology(Social Science Edition)