用日本长海带雌性克隆与海杂海带雄性克隆杂交获得优势苗种LJ组合 ,它对双亲孢子体表现出明显的杂种优势 ,与对照组相比 ,其长度、宽度、株鲜重、株干重均表现出明显的优势 ,并且生长均匀、变异程度小 ,具有广泛的应用前景。
The breeding of kelp seedling by using clone gametophytes was carried out from August 2003 to May 2004, and LJ Combination of hybrid vigor was obtained. The hybrid vigor in LJ Combination is obviously superior to the sporophytes of its parents. The LJ Combination is observed to possess several desirable characteristics. Its length, width, fresh and dry body weight are superior to control. The LJ Combination sporophytes also have a little mutation by statistics examination.
Fisheries Science & Technology Information