目的探讨典型家庭聚集性严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)流行病学及临床特点.方法对1例SARS患者以及受其感染的16位家人的流行病学和临床资料进行回顾性调查分析.结果受到感染发病的16例患者与首发病者有明显的密切接触史,呈典型家庭聚集现象.传播途径为多方面的,以近距离空气飞沫传播和密切接触为主,其他可能存在的传播途径为消化道.潜伏期为2~9 d,平均(4.9±2.2)d;以发热为首发症状(100%),持续时间(10.5±4.6)d;伴有干咳(76.5%),气促、呼吸困难(76.5%)、腹泻(23.5%);白细胞正常或降低占88.2%,血清丙氨酸转氨酶升高58.8%,乳酸脱氢酶/肌酸激酶升高41.2%,外周血CD3、CD4、CD8明显降低;X线胸片都有明显肺部病变,累及双肺占75%,以渗出性炎症改变为主.结论SARS的流行病学特征为近距离接触传染性强;临床特点以发热、干咳、气促、肺部X线胸片表现以渗出性实变为主.发病机制可能与细胞免疫受损有关.采取有效消毒隔离措施,加强个人防护,切断传播途径等,可使该病传播得到有效控制.
ObjectiveTo investigate the epidemiologic and clinical features of typical cases of family-clustered serious acute respiratory syndrome(SARS).MethodsThe epidemiologic and clinical data of one SARS patient and 16 family members infected by the index case were analyzed retrospectively.ResultsThere was a clear history of close contact between the first case and the other 16 cases,demonstrating apparent family-clustered phenomenon.There were multiple routes for SARS transmission.Airborn droplet within short distance and intimate contact were the major transmission route.Transmission through gastrointestinal tract may also be possible.Incubation period ranged from 2 to 9(average 4.9±2.2) days.Fever was the initial symptom (100%) with an average duration of 10.5±4.6 days.Accompanying symptoms included:cough ( 76.5%),breathlessness ( 76.5%),and diarrhea(23.5%).Laboratory tests revealed normal or decreased WBC count in 88.2% cases,elevated ALT level in 58.8% cases,elevated LDH/CPK level in 41.2% cases and CD3,CD4,CD8 significantly decreased in peripheral blood.Chest X-ray showed remarkable changes,with involvement of both lobes in 75% cases,mainly with exudative inflammation.ConclusionsThe epidemiology of SARS was showed strong infections characteristic of close contact.The characteristic clinical manifestations,include fever,cough,breathlessness and exudative infiltration in chest X-ray film.The pathogenesis of the disease may related to the impairment of cellular immune function.Effective control measures including isolation of patients,strengthen personal protection measures,block the transmission routes etc..
Chinese Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
广州市科技局重大科技攻关项目资助(编号为:2003 Z 023 01)。
Serious acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)
Clinical analysis