目的:探讨红霉素对实验性大鼠根尖周炎根管治疗期间急性发作的防治机制。方法:建立大鼠根尖 周炎模型,根管预备后在根管内置入红霉素,分别在根管预备后1d、3d、7d处死大鼠,观察大鼠根尖周组织的病理 学表现。结果:根管预备后在根管内放置红霉素,与对照组相比,根尖周组织炎症显著减轻(P<0.05),炎症细胞浸 润程度减轻。结论:根管内放置红霉素可以显著抑制根尖周组织炎症和炎症细胞浸润,抑制炎症发展。
Objective:To investigate the effect of erythromycin on the induced rat periapical periodontitis.Methods:The experiment animal model of periapical inflammation was established with SD rats. Saline and erythromycin were placed in canal respectively after root instrumentation and rats were killed at 1,3,and 7 days after operation. Microscopical analyse of the periapical tissue were performed according to histological criteria. Results:At the 3d and 7d period, the degree of the inflammation reaction and inflammatory cell infiltration in erythromycin group was significants lighter than that in Saline group.Conclusion:Erythromycin could control the induced rat periapical periodontitis effectively by inhibiting the inflammation reaction and inflammatory cell infiltrationin the active phase.
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School