本文首先对什么是真 3DGIS,以及 3DGIS的发展现状进行了分析,然后指出并分析了 3DGIS发展的若干关键问题,最后对 3DGIS的发展趋势进行了探讨,指出 3维城市地理信息系统 (3DCMS)和 3维地学模拟信息系统(3DGMS)将是 3DGIS发展的两大方向,并最终促进 3DGIS技术的发展。
Based on the analysis of what is the real three dimension GIS (3D GIS) and review of the current status of 3D GIS, in this paper, the authors put forward several key problems for its development, and deeply study these issues subsequently. Lastly, the developing trends of 3D GIS are also discussed, and Three Dimensional GIS for City and Three Dimensional Geological Modeling System are thought to be two branches of 3D GIS in near future, and ultimately to accelerate the advance of whole technology of it.
Geomatics World