

Discussion on perfecting quarantine measure for SARS in frontier ports
摘要 目的促进国境口岸防制传染性非典型肺炎(SARS)检疫措施的完善。方法对我国国境口岸SARS检疫措施进行调查研究,收集国内外防制SARS检疫措施的资料,并进行比较。结果在SARS流行期间,世界上大部分国家针对境内的国际机场、港口等出入境口岸,采取了不同的检疫措施,多数采取的是入境口岸检查和填写登记卡。我国在国境口岸实施对出入境人员现场医学观察、检疫检查和要求填写《出(入)境健康申明卡》的检疫措施,有效地防止了SARS的传入传出,但同时也给出入境人员造成了一些麻烦和精神上的负担,不利于检疫措施的实施。包括:修改《出(入)境健康申明卡》,使其内容更简单、科学、有针对性,文字更通俗;改进体温测量及处理的操作规程,设立一套科学的口岸检疫应对危机管理机制,对发热病人带来疫病的可能性进行风险评估,分级后采取相应措施。结论借鉴某些国家防制SARS的经验,通过调整和完善检疫措施,防止SARS的传入和传出。 Objective To promote the perfecting of quarantine measures on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) control at Chinese frontier ports. Methods Conducted an investigation into the quarantine measures on SARS control at Chinese frontier ports and abroad, then made a comparison based on the research. Results During SARS outbreak , most countries applied various quarantining measures at international airports and frontier ports, who mainly carried out frontier inspection and required entry-exit persons to fill out the 'Health Deceleration Form'. China exercised sanitation supervision , quarantine inspection on entry-exit persons at frontier ports and required them to fill out the ' Health Deceleration Form', which effectively prevented the cross-border transmission of SARS. However, the defects that existed in the measures placed some burden on the entry-exit persons at frontier ports. This could not help to promote the implementation of the quarantine measures , which required further improvements , including the simplification of the 'Health Deceleration Form' , the improvement of the operational procedure of temperature detection and treatment , the establishment of a scientific risk mitigation and management mechanism , and the implementation of the risk assessment of epidemic cross-border transmission possibility.Conclusion Reviewing the experience of SARS control in other countries , China has put great effort to attain the medical knowledge of epidemic disease and accumulated experience of plague control constantly. Through adjustment and improvement in an all-round manner, China has promoted the perfecting of quarantine measures on SARS control steadily , strictly preventing the entry and exit of the disease.
作者 陈玉排
出处 《口岸卫生控制》 2005年第1期4-6,共3页 Port Health Control
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