

On Patent Protection of Technology of Human Cloning
摘要 随着生物技术特别是克隆技术的发展,人类克隆技术是否受到专利法的保护成为备受人们关注的问题。由于人 类克隆技术涉及到人类伦理道德和公序良俗等问题,现在许多国家都把此类技术排除在专利保护之外。但是,人 类克隆技术不等于克隆人的技术,克隆也不等同于生殖性克隆,不加区分地禁止人类克隆技术是不利于克隆技术 发展的。况且,本质上来说反对克隆人不是专利法的任务。我们应该尽快制定关于禁止生殖性克隆的法律,而对 于其他的人类克隆技术则可以毫无阻碍地获得专利保护,这样既可以保护社会和公众的利益,又可以推动克隆技 术的更快发展。 Along with biological technology especially clone technology development, it is an important problem that whether to protect technology of human cloning by patent law. Because technology of human cloning is concerned with human morals and public order, now a lot of countries don't protect this kind of technology. However, technology of human cloning does not be equal to cloning person, clone does not be equal to reproductive clone, completely prohibiting technology of human cloning is disadvantage in clone technical development. Moreover, essentially it does not be the task of patent law to prohibiting cloning person. We should establish law of prohibiting reproductive clone as soon as possible, protect technology of human cloning by patent law. In this way we not only can protect the benefit of public and society, but also can promote development of clone technology.
作者 孙昊亮
机构地区 西北政法学院
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期35-38,共4页 Hebei Law Science
基金 2002年陕西省哲学社会科学规划项目资助 项目名称<高新技术开发中的法律问题>陕西省教育厅2004年专项科研项目资助 项目名称<现代生物技术的专利保护>(04JK098)
关键词 专利法 专利保护 公序良俗 禁止 国家 反对 法律 发展 等同 问题 clone cloning person patent reproductive clone therapeutic clone
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