乔伊斯的小说以不断创新的形式一步步深入反思爱尔兰的历史 ,诊断民族的弊端 ,创造新的民族形象 ,这整个历程也是他作为一个爱尔兰知识分子的批判意识不断成熟的过程 ,所以乔伊斯的四部小说构成一部巨著 ,既是史诗 ,又是自传 ,也是一个解殖民化的文化工程。
James Joyce's novels constitute a very complicated artistic world. This artistic complexity is required by the complexity of his themes. That is, with each novel, he touches upon a different aspect in his narrating of the nation, including reflection on its history, diagnosis of its malady and pursuit of self transcendence. Thus the four of his major novels can be said to be one project in which he is trying to achieve all of the following purposes, namely, to write the nation's epic and his own biography and to carry out the task of decolonialization .
Foreign Literature Studies