以夏谷 2号、红腿谷、九根齐、双绿谷、大同 14、黄软谷、晋谷 2 0、晋谷 2 1、晋谷 2 2、晋谷 2 7、晋谷 32、晋谷33、晋谷 35、豫谷 9号、大粒谷共 15个谷子品种为试验材料 ,研究分析了谷子主要性状间的相关性。结果表明 ,谷子营养生长期、穗粒重、倒三叶叶面积、穗重、倒二叶叶面积与生育期呈极显著正相关 ;穗重、穗粗、倒二叶和倒三叶叶面积与穗粒重呈极显著正相关 ;穗粗、倒二叶叶面积、生育期、营养生长期、倒三叶叶面积与穗重呈显著正相关 ,但穗长与穗重呈极显著负相关 ;各生物学性状除株高外 ,其它各性状间均呈正相关性。因此在谷子育种时宜选倒二叶叶面积大、生育期长、穗粒重高。
millet varieties-Xiagu 2, Hongtuigu, Jiugenqi, Shuanglugu, Datong 14, Huangruangu, Jingu 20, Jingu 21, Jingu 22, Jingu 27, Jingu 32, Jingu 33, Jingu 35, Yugu 9, Daligu-are used to study and analysis the correlations between the main agronomic characters of millet. The results show that the period of vegetative growth of millet, the seed weight of a ear, the area of the third leaf near the ear, the weight of a ear, the area of the second leaf near the ear have highly significant postive correlations with growth season; A ear weight, a ear degree of thickness, the area of the second leaf and the area of the third leaf near the ear have highly significant postive correlations with the seed weight of a ear; The degree of a ear thickness, the area of the second leaf near the ear, growth season, the period of vegetative growth of millet, the area of the third leaf near the ear have highly significant postive correlations with the weight of a ear. But spike length has significant negative correlation with the weight of a ear; Each biological character, except plant height, has a postive correlation with others. For millet breeding, varities with a larger area of second leaf near the ear, longer growth season, bigger seed weight of a ear, shorter and thicker ear should be used.
Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology
Analysis of correlation