The Motianling folt belt is located in the northwestern margin of the Yantze plate. Its main body is composed of the middle - late Proterozoic 'Bikou Group' volcanic and sedimentary complex series. The author suggests that the complex series in the south of the Tongqian ductile shear belt should be a melange, which had been formed by the consuming and closing processes of the 'Bikou' ancient ocaanic basin during the middle- late Proterozoic . The 'Bikou' complex series in the north of Tongqian ductile shear belt is made of a graywacke series of the fore arc setting and a cale - alkali volcanic series. The latter belongs to an island arc volcanic series which had erupted on the southern margin of the south Qinling ancient continent with a basement being made of the Yudongzi Group. In the end of late Proterozoic the 'Bikou' ancieut oceanic basin between the Yantze old land and the south Qinling old land was closed to form a late Proterozoic collision oro-genic belt in the northwestern margin of the Yantze plate. The motianoling fold belt has been regarded as an overriding wedye and the collision melange part of the collision erogenic belts.
Melange, Collison orogenic delt, The south Qinling ancient continental massif