摘要劳联一产联(American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizaitons,简称AFL-CIO)是美国最大的劳工运动组织,在美国政治和外交中代表了劳工的利益。但在美对华政策方面,劳联一产联与人权组织、环保组织一样,一贯是反华的“急先锋”。
9SUSAN B. CARTER, SCOTY SIGMUND, etc. Historical Statistics .of the United States, Millennial Edition on Line [ M ]. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
10NSC 20/4, U. S. Objectives with Respect to the USSR to Counter Soviet Threats to U. S. Security, Nov. 23, 1948 [ Z ]. Digital National Security Archives (DNSA),PD00069.