Paleoclimate modeling has become an impor- tant tool to detect the future climate of the global warming that is difficult to be validated. The paleoclimate modeling has to be evaluated by regionally geological data in order to determine if it is able to reproduce a reality of climate states. Geological evidence shows that there was a warm-wet inter- stadial at 35000±3000 a BP in China, which provides an im- portant climate period to be historical analogue for the fu- ture climate changes induced by greenhouse gas emissions. Integrated geological records of later phase of the MSI3 from China also provide basements for evaluation of 35 ka BP climate modeling. This paper reports the paleoclimate ex- periments applied by various forces, and validates the out- puts by geological data, consequently improving the bound- ary conditions in the experiments and making the paleocli- mates more approach the reality. The simulations show an increased temperature in the mid-low latitudes and an ex- tended rain-belt northwards in East Asia, while a decreased temperature in high latitudes and a strong exchange of the N-S atmospheric circulation. As there is only ca. 10—15 ka from 35 ka BP to the LGM (21 ka BP) during which climate rapidly changed from a warm-wet interstadial to a typical ice age, this simulation provides scientific basis to recognize the criteria of global warming and trends of natural climate de- velopment.
Paleoclimate modeling has become an important tool to detect the futureclimate of the global warming that is difficult to be validated. The paleoclimate modeling has to beevaluated by regionally geological data in order to determine if it is able to reproduce a realityof climate states. Geological evidence shows that there was a warm-wet interstadial at 35000+ -3000a BP in China, which provides an important climate period to be historical analogue for the futureclimate changes induced by greenhouse gas emissions. Integrated geological records of phase of theMSB from China also provide basements for evaluation of 35 ka BP climate modeling. This paperreports the paleoclimate experiments applied by various forces, validates the outputs by geologicaldata, consequently improving the boundary conditions in the experiments and making the paleoclimatesmore approach the reality. The simulations show an increased temperature in the mid-low latitudesand an extended rain-belt northwards in East Asia, while a decreased temperature in high latitudesand a strong exchange of the N-S atmospheric circulation. As there is only ca. 10-15 ka from 35 kaBP to the LGM (21 ka BP) during which climate rapidly changed from a warm-wet interstadial to atypical ice age, this simulation provides scientific basis to recognize the criteria of globalwarming and trends of natural climate development.
the Intelligence Innovation Projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX2-SW-118)
the National Basic Research Program of China(2002CB412301-1)
the Key Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX1-SW-12-1).
paleoclimate simulation
low-latitude temperature increase
precipitationbelt expending northwards
geological data validation
East Asia.