铝在 0 .3mol/L草酸或硫酸介质中经过阳极氧化 ,得到不同孔径的多孔氧化铝模板 ,在此模板中电解沉积的Fe纳米线排布规则、有序 ,长径比约为 15 0。根据测量的磁滞回线 ,可以看到制备的铁纳米线具有较大的磁各向异性 。
The anodic aluminium oxide(AAO)membranes were fabricated by anodication technique with 0.3 mol/L oxalic acid or sulphuric acid as electrolyte Ordered arrays of iron nanowires were prepared by electrodeposition into the pores of AAO templates.The length to diameter aspect ratio is about 150.Magnetic hysteresis loop shows that Fe nanowire arrays has a strong perpenticular magnetic anisotropy,the coercivity of which were comparative high when the magnetic field was perpendicular to the axis of the nanowire.
Chemical Industry Times