

The Inverse Calculation of the Outer Performance of Twin-Tube Hydraulic Shock Absorber with Outside Clique
摘要 阐述了新型电流变液体汽车减振器——电流变阀外置的双筒液力汽车减振器的工作原理 ,建立了它的理论模型 .描述了新型电流变液体汽车减振器阻尼力与电场之间的关系 .减振器的示功试验证明了理论分析的正确性 .本文以试验数据为依据 ,采用矩阵理论 ,用 MATLAB软件对电流变液体减振器的外特性进行了反求 ,得出了电流变液体减振器外特性对试验数据的最佳拟合曲线及公式 ,为汽车电流变液体减振器半主动悬架的设计奠定了基础 .具有重要的指导意义 . This paper introduces the working principles of a new electrorheological shock absorber which is developed on the basis of electrorheological technology and sets up the theory model for the new ERF shock absorber. It describes the relationship between electric field and resistance force of ERF shock absorber. The resistance force is composed of two parts: one is related with viscosity and another one is with dynamic yield shear stress. Therefore, On the basis of research on the nationalization of electrorhe -ological fluid, careful attention must be paid to the mechanical design of the electrorheological clique and in order to achieve the required range of the vehicle damping force. Experiments are made to support the theoretical studies. On the basis of the matrix theory, combined with experiments date, the inverse calcula -tion of the outer performance of ERF shock absorbers are made. It is meaningful for practical application.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第12期62-68,共7页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 中国汽车总公司博士点专项基金资助项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 0 0 3 80 1 0 )
关键词 电流变液体减振器 汽车减振器 半主动悬架 液力减振器 阻尼力 外特性 试验数据 外置 最佳拟合 反求 electrorheological fluid shock absorber the outer performance of ERF shock absorbers damping force
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