
掺Pr^(3+),Lu^(3+)氟化镓铟玻璃系统玻色峰的研究 被引量:1

Boson Peak of Pr^(3+), Lu^(3+)-doped InF_3/GaF_3 Based Fluoride Glasses
摘要 将拉曼光谱与热分析方法相结合,研究了在20GaF3 15InF3 20CdF2 15ZnF2 20PbF2 10SnF2玻璃系统中玻色峰与稀土离子Pr3+,Lu3+掺杂浓度的关系.结果表明:稀土离子Pr3+,Lu3+的加入不会使玻璃结构发生质的变化,玻璃的玻色峰峰值强度随Pr3+和Lu3+掺杂浓度变化的趋势与Δt随Pr3+和Lu3+掺杂浓度变化的趋势相一致;掺Pr3+系列可用"软势模型"来解释玻色峰,而掺Lu3+系列玻色峰的成因更加复杂,谐波近似的软势模型不再适用;非桥氟决定了玻色峰的峰值强度及稀土离子在玻璃中的溶解度. The Boson peak of Pr3+, Lu3+-doped 20GaF3-15InF3 - 20CdF2-15ZnF2 - 20PbF2-10SnF2 glasses was investigated by means of Raman spectrum and DSC. The results indicate that the variety of the Boson peak scattering intensity and the contents of Pr3+, Lu3+ accords with the changing tendency between Δt and the contents of Pr3+, Lu3+. The soft potential model (SPM), based of an approximate treatment of harmonic wave, was used to interpret the Boson peak. It shows that the Pr3+-doped glasses adapt to SPM, nevertheless the Boson peak of Lu3+-doped glasses is too complex to be suitable for SPM. The scattering intensity of the Boson peak and the solubility of rare-earth are dependent on the amount of non-bridged F-.
出处 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期37-41,共5页 Journal of Building Materials
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