介绍了一种用于空情网系统的雷达目标检测器 ,他是以 DSP芯片 TMS3 2 0 V C5 40 2为核心处理器 ,利用其多通道缓冲同步串行口 (Mc BSP)和 AD7495芯片接口来实现数据采集 ,并具有异步串口通信功能。重点介绍了该系统的基本组成、工作原理以及 CF AR检测算法程序。该检测器满足警戒雷达的远程警戒、多目标、实时检测的要求 ,具有体积小、成本低 ,工作稳定等优点。
The paper introduces a radar object detector used in air intelligence network, which used DSP chip TMS320VC5402 as core processor, and AD7495 as A/D converter The basic frame,the working principle and CFAR detection are introduced in detail This detector meets the requirements of guarding radars to detect multibatch and longdistance targets in realtime and has the advantages of small size, stabilization, lowcost and general compatibility
Modern Electronics Technique