集群作为成本低、高性能并行或分布式计算平台已经成熟,同时提供许多关键服务(高效通信、负载平衡等)的软件包也已经出现,然而对于集群文件系统的可扩展性和高可用性仍然缺乏有效的支持。为此,介绍了一种基于可扩展性和高可用性的集群文件系统模型,并从可用性角度与集群文件系统(CFS,Cluster File System)进行了比较分析。
As clusters have matured as platforms for low-cost, high-performance parallel or distributing computing, software package to provide many key services have emerged, especially in areas such as message passing and load balance. One area devoid of support, however, has been cluster file system based on high scalability and availability. A kind of cluster file system model is introduced based on high scalability as well as high availability, and it is compared with CFS model in availability.
Computer Engineering and Design