目的 :探讨山东汉族儿童青少年身体体成分现状及变化规律。方法 :对山东省潍坊市城乡汉族学生进行了体格测量 ,并计算出体脂率、总体脂量和瘦体重等身体体成分 ;通过逐步回归对瘦体重及相关指标进行了回归分析。结果 :身体体成分随年龄的增长而增高 ,体成分在大多数年龄组存在性别差异和城乡差异 ;城乡男女生瘦体重与体重、肱三头肌和肩胛下位皮褶厚度之和、身高及上臂围存在回归关系 (F =1 82 90 .0~ 5 81 1 4.5 ,P <0 .0 0 1 )。结论
Objective: To study the development of body compositions of boys and girls of Han nationality of Shandong Province. Methods: The body weight (w),height (H),upper arm girth (G) (flexed and tensed),skinfold thickness of brachial triceps muscle,inferior angle of scapula (S),anterior superior iliac spine and gastrocnemius in 2 511(1253 boys and 1258 girls) students aged 6-19 were measured with Heath-Carter method on August and September 2000. The body compostions were calculated,and the linear regression of the lean body weight and other items was carried out. Results: The values of body compostions increased with the increase of ages. The differences of those body compostions between the sexes and between the urban and rural areas were significant in most age groups (P<0.05). The formulas of forward stepwise regression analyses to lean body mass (Y) were:Y=-3.17+0.743 W-0.255S+0.064H+0.150G for urban boys,Y=-0.320+0.831W -0.278S+0.037H+0.048G for rural boys,Y=-3.491+0.669W -0.262S+0.073H+0.158G for urban girls,and Y=-0.729+0.790W-0.262S+0.043H+0.064G for rural girls. Conclusion: The lean body weight and the skinfolds are effective parameters for evaluating the nutrition condition and diagnoses of children obesity and adolescents obesity.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy
国家自然科学基金 (3996 0 0 32 )