AIM: To probe the characteristics and therapeutic effect of rhegmatogenous re tinal detachment in Uigur nationality. · METHODS: A total of 57 cases (58 eyes) underwent different operations accordi ng to the size of retina split, distribution scope, number and grade: 3 eyes wer e condensated combined with extra pressure; 22 eyes were condensed with scleral buckling and extra pressure; 17 eyes were condensed combined with scleral buckli ng, extra pressure and vitreous body with 500mL/L SF6 or air; 3 eyes were conden sed combined with scleral buckling, extra pressure and supplementary laser; and 13 eyes were condensed combined with scleral buckling and vitreous body incision , among which 6 eyes were injected with silicone oil, and 7 eyes with air. · RESULTS: Among the 57 cases, there are male patients 70.1%, high degree myopi a 41.1%, hypermetropia 39.6%, retinal split in a quadrant 73.5%, round hole 61.5 %, traction hole 29.6%, macular hole 0.5% and ora serrate laceration 8.6%. No hu ge hole was discovered. Holes were found intraoperatively in 5 cases in which ho les had not been found before orperation. The first operation was successful in 55 eyes (94.8%). The visual acuities improved greatly in the other 3 eyes after second surgery. · CONCLUSION: The key of retinal detachment surgery is whether all holes can be discovered before operation. The operative methods should be arranged according to the size, number, shape, location and distribution of retina splits, lemma's condition of vitreous body and whether degeneration occurs on peripneral parts of retina. ·
International Eye Science