独立以来 ,印度一直在为实现世界大国的梦想而努力 ,但一直未能如愿。 1991年印度走上开放道路之后 ,综合国力逐渐增强 ,成为世界上又一个有影响力的国家。中印同为崛起中的大国 ,又互为邻国 ,处理好两国的关系非常必要。走出阴影 ,淡化历史问题 ,把彼此视为一个机遇 ,力求合作 ,才符合中印两国的根本利益。本文分析了崛起中的印度对中国的影响 ,以及中印关系发展的前景。
India has been emerging as a big power regionally as well as globally and this has actually created some significant implications for its bilateral relations with China. The increasing and positive engagements between China and India during recent years, to some extents, justifies an increasing optimism in China about a rising India, but the ascendance of India, at the same time, is also posing a formidable challenge and demanding the subtler dealing with this relationship.
South Asian Studies Quarterly