目的 :探讨拉米夫定联合苦参素在慢性乙型肝炎抗病毒方面的疗效。将 4 0例慢性乙型肝炎病人分为治疗组和对照组 ,各 2 0例。方法 :治疗组应用苦参素胶囊 30 0mg口服 ,每日三次 ,拉米夫定 10 0mg口服 ,每日一次 ;对照组单用拉米夫定 10 0mg口服 ,每日一次 ;两组疗程均为 18个月 ;主要观察患者治疗前后症状体征、肝功能、病毒复制指标的变化。结果 :疗程结束时治疗组临床症状体征缓解率为 80 % ;生化应答率 80 % ,HbeAg阴转率 70 % ,HBV阴转率 90 % ;对照组以上指标分别为 6 0 %、6 0 %、4 5 %、6 0 % ,两组比较差别有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :联合用药较单一用药疗效显著 ,能有效地抑制HBVDNA的复发 。
Objective:To compare the therapeutic effects of lamivudine combining with yishusong on hepatitis B in both the test and control group.Methods: We designed the test group and the control group in each 20. The test group was treated with lamivudine (100mg, once/d po) combining with yishusong (300mg, tid po); the control group with lamivudine alone for 18 months. The liver function, index of virus copy and symptoms were recorded. Results: The remission rate, the biochemistric response, the HbeAg negative rate and HBV negative rate in the test group was 80%, 80%,70% and 90% separately but 60%,60%,45% and 60% in the control group separately. There was a significant difference (P<0.05).
Qinghai Medical Journal