OBJECTIVE To evaluate angiogra- phy in angiofibroma diagnosis and effect of preop- erative embolization of nasopharyngeal agiofibromas. METHODS Data of 16 patients with nasopharyngeal agiofibromas (16 males; aged 9 to 21 years old; aver- age age, 13.5 ± 4 years old), who had undergone se- lective angiography and double embolization, were ana- lyzed retrospectively. RESULTS Of the 16 patients who underwent selective angiography of the left and right external carotid arteries, all of them were diag- nosed correctly. The extent of lesion, the amount of vascula-rity and the nature of the feeding vessels were defined in all cases. The nasopharyngeal angiofibroma was mainly supplied by the ipsilateral internal maxil- lary artery, 5 cases also by contralateral internal max- illary artery, 3 cases by ascending pharyngeal artery too, and 2 cases also by ipsilateral internal carotid artery. With superselective catheterization, the polyvi- nyl alcohol foam (PAF) and gelfoam were used for double embolzation of the internal maxillary artery. The tumor staining almost disappeared completely after the sup- plying arteries were embolized in 10 patients, and mostly disappeared in 6 patients. Blood loss were sig- nificantly reduced during operations in all cases com- pared with control group(452 ± 268 ml vs 1 058 ± 347 ml, P < 0.05). There were no severe complications in- curred during embolizations and no recurrences after operations. CONCLUSION The selective arteriogra- phy is a valuable technique to diagnose angiofobroma and to get detailed image of supplying arteries of the tumor. Preoperative embolization can significantly reduce blood loss during operation. [
Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery