由于指导语句动态嵌套与绑定规则的存在,OpenMP 程序中线程的一些上下文只能在运行时刻才能完全确定.然而,通过编译时刻的静态分析可以部分确定指导语句的嵌套类型,这些信息可以用于指导后续的编译与优化.由于函数调用的存在,嵌套与绑定常常会跨越过程边界,除了通常的局部和全局分析之外,还需要过ü谕ǔ5墓碳浞治龅幕∩细郊有畔?可以使得嵌套类型信息在过程调用图中进行传播.将这些全局信息与过程内的局部信息结合起来,就可以在编译时刻确定语句的嵌套类型.结果表明,编译时刻的嵌套类型分析可以有效地确定通常的科学与工程计算程序中指导语句的嵌套类型,基于嵌套类型的翻译与优化可以同时减少运行时开销和目标代码长度.
Because of the rules of dynamic directive nesting and binding, some of the thread context in OpenMP programs can only be totally determined at runtime. However, by compiling time static analysis, nesting type can be partly determined and this information can be passed to other compiling phases to guide later translation and optimizations. Since the binding and nesting may span the procedure boundaries through calls, local and global analyses are not enough. It is the interprocedural analysis that provides the most required ability. By integrating information into traditional interprocedural analysis, the nesting type information of procedures is propagated along call graphs. And later translation and optimization phases can bind this global information with local information inside the procedure to determine the nesting types at compiling time. The results demonstrate that in typical science and engineering workload the nesting type is highly determinable at compiling time, and the application of this information may achieve less runtime overhead and the reduced code size.
Journal of Software