通过发变系统损耗测试,可了解变电设备在实际运行中的损耗是否符合设计要求,并可从中发现因电能计 量方式、系统误差、人为误差造成的少计、漏计电量,为经济运行、降低损耗、提高发电效率提供数据依据。针对二 滩水力发电厂《机组运行日报表》中记录的发供电数据,经计算分析发现在机组运行工况基本相同的情况下,每日 的损耗却有很大的差别。为查明原因,对输变电设备的日损耗进行了分析和估算,并对现场设备进行了损耗测试, 从中找出了导致差值浮动较大的根本原因。
Based on result of the loss test for the. power unit consisted of a generator and a transformer, whether the loss corresponding to design requirements or not under actual operating conditions can be determined. The missing amount of electricity caused by measure methods, system error and random error can be found. The useful data to operate units economically can be gotten. According to calculation and a-nalysis on the daily generation report of Ertan Hydropower Plant, it was found that there could be large loss differences among the units under similar working conditions. The daily loss of all units was analyzed and estimated. The loss was also measured practically on site. The basic reason that cause the bigger float margin was found out.
Mechanical & Electrical Technique of Hydropower Station