Tess of the D'Urbervilles is one of th greatest tragedies in the English language. The leading impression,remaining throughout the reading of the tragedy, is the powerful sense of tragedy evoked by the novel and the multiple character of Tess. She lingers in our mind as one of the greatest feminine portaits in the modern era. By delineating vividly the beautiful kindhearted protagonist Tess, her rich, profound inner world and psychology, the novel reflects that besides the various factors, the source of Tess's tragedy is the dramatic conflict between social reality and character as well as the tragedy of ideal personality. Her sincerity, purity and kindheartedness of mind, her rebel against the harsh reality and her conservation in morality constrained by custom constitute the character system of Tess, which make Tess a distinctive, moving character and an immortal image.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition