尽管高层建筑在城市环境中带来一些负面影响 ,但是从本质上讲 ,高层建筑并不是一种反生态的建筑形式 ;相反 ,由于它能有效地利用资源 ,减少对土地的侵占 ,在这个意义上高层建筑本身可以说是一种绿色生态的建筑形式。本文从三个层面 :城市的宏观层面、建筑本身的营运系统的中观层面。
Although tall buildings bring some negative effect on urban circumstance, they are not an anti-ecological building form in nature. On the contrary, they can effectively make use of resources, and reduce the occupation of land. From this point tall buildings can be regarded as a kind of green and ecological architecture form. This paper puts forward the ecological design strategy of tall buildings from three layers: macro-layer of city, mid-layer of buildings' operational system, and micro-layer of buildings' inner circumstance.
Building Science