
医学古籍中“视疾”“养病”析释 被引量:1

Explaining and analyzing of “To look at disease” and “To convalesce” in ancient medical books
摘要 “视”的本义是“看” ,《说文解字》“视 ,瞻也”。段玉裁注 :“《目部》曰 :‘瞻 ,临视也’”。“看病”的意思是医生诊视疾病。“看脉”的意思是诊视脉搏以判断病情。“看”义为“诊视”。那么“视病”、“视脉”中的“视”也可以解释作“诊视”。“养”当“调治”、“疗养”是其常用义。而“豢养”、“保留”并不是“养”的常用义 ,如果把“小人养吾病”的“养”解释作“豢养”或“保留” ,没有相同用法加以佐证。按照训诂学“孤证不立”的原则 ,“养”字应解释作“调治”、“疗养”。 The original meaning of “Shi” is “watch”. “Shi,is watch” in Shuo Wen Jie Zi. Duan-yucai annotated:“Mu Bu showed: Zhan is near look”. The meaning of “kan bin” is diagnosed illness by a doctor. The meaning of “kan mai” is diagnosing and touching pulse, to ascertain the condition of a patient. The meaning of “Kan” is “to diagnose”. Also, it is explained diagnosing and watching that is “Shi” in “Look at ill”、“touching pulse”. “Yang” equaled “Undergo medical treatment and recuperation”, “To convalesce” is its meaning in common. But, the meaning of “Yang” is not common used in “To feed” and “To retain”. If explaining “Yang” for “To feed” or “To retain” during “xiao ren yang wu bin”, but no same way and moreover gave a proof. According to a principle of the critical interpretation of ancient texts, “Yang” must be explained with “adjusting” and“To convalesce”.
作者 周路红
机构地区 山西中医学院
出处 《山西中医学院学报》 2000年第4期57-58,共2页 Journal of Shanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 视病 看病 养病 Look ill see a doctor convalesce
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