
企业信息化环境下的交易成本经济解释 被引量:8

Economy exposition of transaction cost under the enterprises informatization environments
摘要 在传统模式下,交易成本理论可以解释很多经济现象;但是在新的模式下,交易成本理论如何解释经济现象,这是一个很少有人考虑过的问题。从交易成本的概念入手,即从与合约有关成本、产权有关成本、监督有关成本和制度变迁有关成本四个角度,分析在新的模式下,即在企业信息化环境下,如何分析交易成本。最后提出在企业信息化环境下,企业规模的确定与科斯所述的企业规模确定有何不同的经济解释,以及地方政府个数确定原理。 Under the traditional mode, the theory of transaction cost can explain a lot of economic phenomena; but under the new mode, how the theory of transaction cost explains the economic phenomenon, which is a kind of task that few people research. In view of the concept of the transaction cost, e.g. from such four the cost of fields as in relation to contractual fields, property rights fields, monitoring fields and Institutional change fields, under the new mode, namely under the enterprises informatization environments, how to analyze the transaction cost. In the end propose how to confirm enterprises scope, and distinguish the difference of the confirmation enterprises scope between new mode and coase mode, and present the principle of the confirmation number of local government under the enterprises informatization environments.
作者 倪明 徐福缘
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期87-91,共5页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70072020) 国家"863"高新技术发展计划项目(2002AA414310)
关键词 企业信息化 交易成本 产权 制度变迁 企业规模 enterprises informatization transaction cost property rights institutional change enterprises scope
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