为了研究感染副溶血弧菌对斜带石斑鱼体内一氧化氮合酶活力的影响 ,分别对斜带石斑鱼腹腔注射浓度为 5× 10 8cfu/ml、5× 10 7cfu/ml、5× 10 6cfu/ml的副溶血弧菌悬浮液 ,在注射后 2 4h、4 8h、72h、12 0h和 192h尾部取血 ,测定其血清中NOS活力的变化情况。结果表明 ,注射副溶血弧菌后斜带石斑鱼血清中NOS活力显著高于对照组 ,并且高浓度组NOS活力显著高于低浓度组 ,证明注射副溶血弧菌可以诱导斜带石斑鱼体内NOS活力的升高。
In order to study the effect of injecting Vibrio parahaemolyticus on nitric oxide synthase activity in Epinephelus coioides, three kinds of suspension containing 5×108 cfu/ml,5×107 cfu/ml,5×106 cfu/ml live Vibrio parahaemolyticus were injected into the belly of Epinephelus coioides (0.1ml per fish)respectively. The nitric oxide synthase activity in the serum was determined after 24h, 48h, 72h, 120h and 192h of injection. The results showed that compared to control group, injection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus could induce an up-regulation of NOS activity, and the higher concentration group could also induce a higher of NOS activity. Up-regulation of NOS activity could be regarded as a response of hemocytes to the pathogen infection. The results of the experiment would provide some theoretical foundations for the further researches on the role of NOS system in immunology of fish.
Marine Fisheries
珠江水产研究所所长基金项目 (2 0 0 3-G1)