本文介绍了一种新型的操作工艺简单、耐水、耐热、耐酸碱溶液的环氧树脂结合剂的制备方法。结合剂采用环氧树脂和聚酰胺固化体系,并用液体端羧基丁腈橡胶(CTBN)对环氧树脂进行改性,在固化剂中添加改性固化剂A提高固化物的耐热性。此树脂结合剂初始固化温度为3 min,成型方便,是一种适于异形金刚石磨具使用的树脂结合剂。在150 ℃固化3 h并在室温放置1天后,固化物具有高的硬度和耐热性以及优异的粘接性能,可以在150℃长期使用。
A novel epoxy resin bond for diamond wheel using polyamine as curing agent was introduced in this paper. Carboxyl-terminated butadiene acrylonitrilc (CTBN) and curing agent A were added to improve the toughness and the heat resistance of epoxy resin . The start curing time of the resin bond was 3min and it was shaped easily, so this resin bond was suitable for special shaped diamond grinding wheels. After cured at 150℃for 3h and at room temperature for one day,the resin had high hardness and heat-resistance as well as good binding property. It can be used at 150℃ for a long period.
Diamond & Abrasives Engineering