

The Tech- Innovation Globalization of Multinational Corporation and Its Revelation to Chinas Counterparts
摘要 技术创新是经济发展的动力和支持。跨国公司的技术创新全球化趋势及创新方式对我们有着很大的示范效应和利用效应。我国应抓住跨国公司技术创新全球化的契机,积极吸纳他们的“技术溢出”;同时学习他们的创新经验,开展技术寻求性跨国投资,以学习的方式尽快获取世界先进技术,发挥我们的“后发优势”。 As the impetus to economy, technology innovation seems more important since China is on the way of deepening reform and constructing industrialization The globalizing trend of multinational corporations technology innovation and its innovation style have great demonstrative effect and utilization effect. China should miss no chance of this trend, actively absorbing the overflowing technology and innovation experience, thus develop technology-oriented corporations. so that we can obtain the advanced technology in the world and Turtle can exceed Rabbit.
作者 李春顶
机构地区 安徽大学
出处 《浙江万里学院学报》 2005年第1期136-139,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University
关键词 跨国公司 技术创新 全球化 启示 技术溢出 multinational corporation technology innovation globalization revelation technology overflow
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