《乌苏里船歌》案被认为是中国司法部门就民族民间传统文化保护诉讼进行审理的代表性案件。该案件虽然早已有了明确的结论 ,但它对我国民族民间传统文化保护的价值取向、研究进路、模式选择等仍在产生着深刻的影响 ,因此引起了知识产权理论界的关注。虽然既有的知识产权基本理论范式能够对民族民间传统文化保护的正当性提供一定程度的证明 ,但运用各种传统理论论证民族民间传统文化保护的正当性还存在着诸多的困境。“权利弱化与利益分享理论”则为建构民族民间传统文化的知识产权保护体系提供了新的理论基石。
The case of “Wusuli Boat Song”, adjudicated by Chin es e juridical department, is considered to be a leading case involving traditional culture protection. A number of researchers on intellectual property rights hav e paid much attention to this case because of its profound and lasting influence s on the value orientation, the studying method and the legislation mode of trad itional culture protection. Based on the facts of the case and the relations of intellectual property, this article discusses the justification for traditional culture protection from the legal philosophical perspective. Facing the strait o f basic theoretical solutions for traditional culture protection, the authors ar gue that we should build traditional culture protection system on the principle of “rights weakening and interests sharing”.
Law and Social Development