本文首先从构图、造型、线描、赋彩等几个方面分析了莫高窟第 275 窟外道人物及相关画面的艺术特色,然后从美学角度指出并探讨了有关画面中所反映的统一感、节奏感、运动感、稳定感、亲近感等美学特征。
This article is trying to analyzing the artistic feature of these heretic figures and some relative pictures painted on the murals inside Cave 275 of Mogao grottoes firstly by the way of the composition of the drawing pictures, then the mold making of figures, following the points of the line-drawing and applied color. Based on the above analysis, this article aims to explore and pointed out the esthtics feature of these heretic figures and the relative pictures from the viewpoint of asthetics: the sense of unification; the sense of movements and rhythm; the sense of dynamic symmetry; the sense of stability and the sense of amiability.
Dunhuang Research