目的:为了研究记录实验动物犬和人的食管窦房结电图(SNP)的技术与方法。方法:对各8例实验动物犬和人的食管与心内窦房结电图进行对比研究。检测仪采用广州军区武汉总医院自制的微电位检测仪,系统带宽0.5至1 000Hz,采样频率为2KHz,增益为200-10万倍,且A/D转换器为16位精度。结果:通过信号叠加对犬的食管和心外膜以及人的食管和心内膜所记录的SNP对比研究证实:在高增益条件下,采用信号平均方法经食管能记录到实验动物犬和人的SNP。结论:通过适当的技术可记录到SNP。
Objective: In order to study sinus node electrogram of dogs and humans by recordings. Methods: 8 dogs and humans were studied respectively in a series of experiment. The detection system was made by Wuhan General Hospital of Guang Zhou Command. The gain of the system was 200 - 100000, and the band width of the system was 0.5 - 1000 Hz. A/D conventer was 16 -bit accuracy at 2 KHz. By study of sinus node electrogram about dogs and humans based upon esophegeal lead and cardio-catheter.Results: sinus node electrogram of dogs and humans can be successfully recorded by the signal averaging method in the esophageal leads. Conclusion: Sinus node electrogram can be recorded by suitable single averaging technique.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide