
主权、人权与人道主义干涉——约翰·文森特的国际社会观 被引量:17

R. J. Vincent's Concept of International Society
摘要 约翰·文森特是20世纪英国学派的一位重要代表人物,其国际关系思想的立论基点是现代国际社会的"统一性",并明显体现在他有关主权与人权的相互关系及有关人道主义干涉问题的认识之中。他承认国际社会中的主权原则和不干涉原则具有重要意义,但又强调任何国家都不能违反其公民作为个人而应享有的基本权利;同时,他认为国际社会甚至某个特定国家具有在一定条件下对他国进行人道主义干涉的权利。文森特的思想在现代国际关系理论史上的重要意义,不仅在于他探讨的主题(即主权与人权的关系、国际社会中的人道主义干涉)具有鲜明的时代性,更在于他能够在赫德利·布尔倡导的"多元主义"国际社会观的基础上,发展出一种"社会连带主义"的国际社会观。文森特的国际关系思想对于当今国际社会其适用性虽具有一定限制,但却不失为一种有关当今及未来国际社会的理想模式。 John Vincent is one of the most important representatives of the English School in the 20th century. The theoretical basis of his theory is 'solidarity' in international society, which embodied in his ideas of the relationship between sovereignty and human rights, and on humanitarian interventions. While admitting the importance of sovereignty and non-intervention, he insists that no state in the world has the right to deprive the basic rights of its subjects and international society, as well as a particular state have the right to conduct humanitarian interventions to other states under certain circumstances. The importance of his theory in the history of IR lies not only in what he discussed, but also his conception of Solidarism based on Hedley Bulls Pluralist concept of International Society. The applicability of his concept in the contemporary world is limited, yet, to some extent, it could be taken as an ideal model of international society at present as well as in the future.
作者 吴征宇
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期89-100,共12页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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  • 1Tim Dunne, Inventing International Society, New York: St. Martin' s Press, 1998,p. 161.
  • 2Martin Griffiths, Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations, London : Routledge, 1999,p. 156.
  • 3Tim Dunne, op. cit. , p. 175.
  • 4Nicholas J. Wheeler, "Pluralist or Solidarist Conceptions of International Society", in Millennium, Vol. 21, 1992, p. 465.
  • 5Hedley Bull, "The Importance of Grotius in the Study of IR", in Hedley Bull & Benedict Kingsbury & Adam Roberts eds. ,Hugo Grotius and International Relations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990, p. 78.
  • 6Claire Cutler, "The Grotian Tradition in International Relations", in Review of International Studies, Vol. 17, 1991, p. 46.
  • 7Hedley Bull, "The Grotian Conception of International Society", in Herbert Butterfield & Martin Wight eds., Diplomatic Investigations, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1966, p. 52.
  • 8John Vincent, Nonintervention and International Order, Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1974, p. 349.
  • 9John Vincent, Human Rights and International Relations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 55.
  • 10Iver B. Neumann, "John Vincent and the English School of International Relations", inIver B. Neumann & Ole Waver eds. , The Future of International Relations, New York: Routledge,1997, p. 57.











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